Covid-19 Terms and Conditions


The following terms and conditions represent the basis upon which I (the driving instructor) offer you (the student) driving tuition. These terms and conditions are in place in order to reduce the risk of contracting and transmitting the virus between the instructor and students. This is to provide a safe environment for you, me and my other driving students.

  1. Risks of contraction/ transmission of Covid-19

By following these terms and conditions we are able to minimise the risk as much as possible although due to the highly contagious nature of Covid-19 and the fact that we will be unable to maintain 2 metres social distance in the learner vehicle, I am unable to guarantee that the virus will not be transmitted or contracted during driving tuition.

2. Acceptance of Infection

By having driving lessons with Learn 2 Drive Academy, you accept full responsibility for any losses of lessons or payments if you are unable to attend your driving lessons if you or somebody you’ve had close contact with has symptoms or has tested positive for Covid-19. This will not apply where I am responsible for changes to your driving lessons.

3. Vulnerability

Please consider your own vulnerability and the vulnerability of those in your household. If you or members of your household are at risk of having severe symptoms of illness if you contract the virus, then carefully assess whether you should go ahead with any driving lessons.

4. If you have been exposed to Covid-19

You must let me know as soon as possible if you have been exposed to Covid-19, have any symptoms, have tested positive or been advised to self-isolate. This will help me decide whether it is safe for future lessons to go ahead or whether these will need to be postponed. If you have given as much notice as possible you should not be charged for any postponed lessons. If I believe you were in the position to give more notice, I reserve the right to charge you for the missed lessons.

The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)

  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

5. Covid-19 Questions I will ask you

Before your lesson I will ask you some Covid-19 related questions about who you have been in contact with e.g. people returning from abroad, vulnerable people or those who may be infected, It is very important that you answer the questions truthfully.

I will also ask if you or those in your household have any symptoms. If you have given as much notice as possible you should not be charged for any postponed lessons. If I believe you were in the position to give more notice, I reserve the right to charge you for the missed lessons.

6. I will inform you if…

I will inform you if I or anyone in my household have:

  1. Been exposed to a serious risk on contracting Covid-19

  2. Shown symptoms of Covid-19 or have tested positive for it

  3. Been advised to self isolate

If this is the case then i may need to postpone your driving lessons, any postponed lessons will be carried forward until I am able to continue tuition.

7. Face Masks

Following government guidelines, I will require you to wear a mask or face covering to each driving lesson you attend as this is advised in enclosed spaces. Please bring your own mask or face covering. If you are unable to get one for your lesson, if you provide plenty of notice I may be to provide you with one for a small fee. However if you provide insufficient notice or show up to a lesson without a mask or face covering, your lesson may be cancelled or postponed and you will be charged for this.

8. Hand and Face Washing

Please try to clean your face and wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before your driving lesson. I will also ensure that my hands are suitably clean for your lesson. I will provide you with hand sanitiser and may ask you to re-sanitise if appropriate.

9. Personal Belongings

Please try to avoid bringing unnecessary personal belongings onto your lessons, and if possible avoid bringing coats that you will not be driving in. You may bring your mobile phone on your lesson but please switch this off and keep it away in a pocket. Any items brought that cannot be kept on your person, must be placed in a plastic bag or box provided by me and stored away until the end of the lesson.

10. Payment

Please avoid paying with cash where possible. Payments should ideally be made via bank transfer or through the Learn 2 Drive website.

11. Car Ventilation 

To ensure ventilation in the car I may need to keep windows open during the lesson wherever practical. I will also ventilate my car between lessons.